Are We Focused on the Right Technology to Streamline eDiscovery?
Everyone is talking about generative AI these days. Its impact on society overall is potentially transformative. Its impact on eDiscovery is also potentially transformative, especially as it relates to streamlining

Gates Dogfish is Unmasked!
Is there a real person behind the hilarious memes that have delighted eDiscovery professionals for nearly 18 months? There is! Gates Dogfish is unmasked! When I wrote about Gates Dogfish at the

Knowing where your data is and responding to Data Subject Access Requests
Trustpoint’s Dan Rogers and Jerry McIver discuss the basics of Data Mapping – what they are and how to go about implementing one.

Your Best Cyber Defense Against Emerging Technologies Like ChatGPT
According to one site, ChatGPT, the artificial intelligence chatbot created by OpenAI, has become the fastest growing website ever, with almost 1 billion users a month. And it seems like
Stop Being a Data Hoarder and take a Minimalist Approach to Information Governance
The price of data storage may be cheap, however the actual cost of keeping information with no business value (redundant, obsolete and trivial data “ROT”) is staggering. The average cost
The Glass Is Half-Full: Using a Data First Approach to Create Value and Reduce Risk
DAN PANITZ – June 29, 2023 – A majority of companies today would likely say its people are its most important asset. If we take this to be true, then