The Power of One™ .

The Counterintuitive Method

These days, just about every legal solutions firm claims to offer customized approaches that are tailored to fit your specific needs. The idea of a “cookie cutter approach” is widely held to be near blasphemous…

Case Study: A Legal Translation Challenge

Solving a Law Firm’s Translation Challenge. An AMLAW 100 Firm approached Trustpoint with the need to translate 380,000 words from Spanish into English on a rush basis. The matter involved […]

Effective International Branding

Naming a new product or company, or coming up with the perfect tagline or logo is not easy. Even within your home market, you need to consider whether the proposed product name has any other meanings or particular associations that you may have not initially considered.

4 Website Translation Mistakes

It is great that you are planning to translate your website into one or more languages to better communicate with your customers and stakeholders. As you do this, it is worth giving some thought to how you will reference those additional languages for your non-English speaking visitors.